From a very young age, like most of us, Sandy loved dogs! She would dream of growing up and one day working with animals. Before her this dream came true, she first had to go off to the ARMY and serve as a Chaplains Assistant. During this time she learned the ARMY core values; Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage, which is still just as important her daily life today.
Once she left the Army as a Sergeant, she pursued her love of animals and obtained a degree in the sciences of Veterinary Technology through St. Petersburg College while starting work in veterinary clinics.
She was first was exposed to canine physical rehabilitation in 2006 at Animal Recreation and Rehabilitation Center, since then it has been a true constant and passion in her life. After some significant time spent learning under amazing mentors, she and her husband moved to Jupiter, Florida. She continued working in family veterinary clinics where she began a rehabilitation program on a small amount of patients after orthopedic surgery or after being neurologically compromised. She took a short break from vet-teching to start a family of her own. Then with 2 young kids at home, Sandy continued to work on patients that found themselves unable to walk. After a few years, she joined the work force full-time once again, this time in a Veterinary Emergency setting that eventually evolved into her developing and opening a rehabilitation department for the same facility.
Sandy has continued specializing in animal rehabilitation is a Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner (CCRP) through the University of Tennessee in 2018. With a dedication to constant improvement she plans to continue to enroll in programs focused on aspects of animal rehabilitation to bring the best care to our faithful companions.
The goal for each animal is to gain optimal motion in their body and in the process that their emotions are happy and confident. Hint the double meaning in DoggieMOTION, Doggie-MOTION and Doggi-EMOTION. Sandy is dedicated to giving the utmost quality to her patients and their owners as her standards of care are high and her genuine love for animals in that care, is paramount. Heal the spirit and you will have the power to heal the body.